As end users continue to work from home and remotely access their cloud data, they become more prone to potential breaches. Considering the future of work, pure empathy needs to be provided around wellness due to the uniqueness of roles.
Heading into the tail end of the Covid pandemic, organisations and individuals had a choice to return to the old ways of doing things, or take a new approach. We could re-evaluate, innovate, and re-invigorate our workplaces and spaces. And as we emerged from lockdown, we looked to build stronger, more secure foundations based on collaboration, co-operation and productivity, not just activity. This is where we chose to learn from our old selves and create new ways of working (amongst other habits) — this is ‘Back to Life’.
The lighthouse has long been a signifier of incoming danger, a signal on the horizon to adjust course before it’s too late. For a campaign about cybersecurity education and awareness, we found this to be very fitting.