ColourHide Back To School


Back To School Campaign

The mission was clear, but the mountain was steep.

The category and especially ColourHide faced disruption by the high-end personalised stationery that is sold direct to consumer in stores that give a branded experience. Together, we moved away from traditional Product + Price oriented promotions and brought the heart and soul of our brand – our customers to the forefront.

With the Jan/Feb BTS period being the most important for all brands to set the tone, we needed to ensure that we got our message out their – raising brand awareness and even more brand love.

So, we worked with our National Outdoor Partners to takeover streets, shopping centres and universities around the country with imagery as bright and bold as the ColourHide brand.

With our customers at the heart of this idea, we took it a step further and literally put them in our campaign – as we asked them to show us how they #LiveVibrantly by submitting User Generated Content (UGC) on their social channels and tagging us in. From there, we then took the best images and amplified them out across all of our outdoor placements around the country – and gave our winners a pair of Beats by Dre headphones as a thank you for the awesome content.

online engagement
Target audience reached
Total outdoor contact